Magazine front cover

Magazine front cover

Contents page

Contents page

Friday 11 February 2011

Gender representation

Gender is represented in the media in a very stereotypical manner, they do this to appeal to a wide audience and don't cater for exceptions or minorities. They see the male audience and try to appeal to them, by sterotyping males as being masculine, tough, and hard, and then basing their product or advertisment around this, same as with females they sterotype them as being feminine, fragile, and soft. The media's sterotypical ways rub off in society now as most people grow up with an awareness of what elements and characteristics are masculine and feminine and never challenge these codes and conventions set by the media.

Friday 4 February 2011

Magazine history research

NME began in the early 1950's as a british magazine and the first to have a singles chart within it. Over its time NME has changed and adapted to stay popular with the audience, as it has mainly covered artists and topics popular at that certain period of time, and if that became unpopular then they would adapt the magazine in order to suit the british peoples new taste. This adaptability to change as fast as the demand of the puplic and the british music scene has made the magazine such a success, and still standing as a popular magzine over fifty years after it was first published.
Ownership has effected the magazine also over time, during the magazines life the owners have clashed with the writers and editors which has caused the magzine to change to suit. All this shows how versatile the magazine is, and why it has outlived and had more success than its rivals.
The writers and journalists where a huge element of NME and its success, as during the magazines history at some points in time the appeal of the magazine has not being the subjects but the writers themselves.